Monday, January 24, 2011

Cover Crazy (10)

Cover Crazy is a weekly meme that was created by Tawni over at The Book Worms to show which cover(s) you are absolutely going crazy over!

This week I think that the cover for Wish by Alexandra Bullen is totally awesome!

Paperback Version

Hardcover Version
Here's why:
  • I love the dress!  It's so cool how it's made of stars and fades into the background.
  • I think it was great how they went with a star themed background with a comet on the "i", because it just screams that this book is about a wish (the title makes it obvious too though heehee)
  • I actually like the paperback version more because there's much more emphasis on the girl and the dress.  In the hardcover version she's so small!!
I actually haven't read the book yet, but my sister has it and I've read the description.  It sounds pretty good :)

Do you guys like it?  Or dislike it?

Cleo :)


  1. I really like it! I love her dress too! Great cover for this book-- very pretty!

    I'm crazy over Starcrossed's cover this week, check it out: Cover Crazy-Book Addict. Happy Reading :)

  2. Great observations! I never connected all of those points before. I agree with you, I much prefer the paperback. She gets a little lost in the HC.


We love to hear from you guys!! And feel free to ask any questions! ♥