
Friday, March 25, 2011

Cover Reveal!

This week, I've been seeing this cover here and there...

YES! IT'S THE FOURTH INHERITANCE BOOK, Inheritance, by Christopher Paolini.  Isn't that totally awesome??  I think that I've been waiting for this cover/book to come out ever since I finished Brisingr like three years ago.  Sheesh, Christopher Paolini sure does know how to keep his readers waiting.

Honestly though, I'm not totally sure if I'll read it.  I might change my mind, but I've read the first three so long ago that I don't even know if I'll be able to remember anything :/  And I don't have my copies here, so we'll just have to wait and see when this comes out later this year.  But, Eragon did get me started on reading "bigger" books.  If you read my Follow Friday post for today, then you know what I'm talking about.  If you want to see it, it's the 5th point.

Hope you guys have an awesomely super duper specatcular weekend!

Cleo :)


  1. It's about time! I read the first 3 books probably 2 years ago and I've been waiting ever since. I don't remember all the details either and I want to re-read the first three before reading the fourth. I think I'm going to wait until it comes out in paperback though, so that I could buy the entire series in PB. It'll probably be a year before it's released but I could wait, I've already been waiting for so long!

  2. I've read the first half of the first book, but had too many books to finish it! I guess I should stop taking so many book out of the library at the same time. :)
    I've awarded you guys the Stylish Blogger Award, so I hope you'll come by my post to look at it and make your own!


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