
Thursday, March 24, 2011

Follow Friday!

This week's question...

Inspired by the inane twitter trend of #100factsaboutme, give us five BOOK RELATED silly facts about you.
  1. I have a pet peeve that is book related... and it's that I don't like reading books that are ruined or "dirty" which basically means that it has like food in it or something.  This makes me sound like a bad person, doesn't it?
  2. Because my pet peeve is dirty books, I don't really like checking books out of the library.  I know this is a horrible pet peeve!  Especially if you looove reading books!  But I serioulsy can't help it!  Baylee thinks I have like an OCD problem or something, because I can't stand dirty feet either.
  3. BUT!  The good news is that I've recently gotten back to borrowing books from the library (but they have to look new hahaha) I used to, when I was in middle school because they had a huge selection, and always had new ones coming in.  Oh, how I miss that library...  The library at my high school has an okay selection, but they don't really update it that often.  I go to my local library though, which doesn't have the biggest selection, but I think it's because they've probably only started really adding to the young adult section recently because most of the books are fairly recent, like I checked out Unearthly by Cynthia Hand, Once in a Full Moon by Ellen Schreiber, and Firelight by Sophie Jordan, which have all come out somewhat recently. 
  4. For some reason, I use to juggle like 3 or 4 books at a time, but now I stick with only one :)  Trust me, it's a lot easier.
  5. When I was little, I was always scared of reading really big books.  So, in 5th grade, when I had to do a student led conference, I had to set goals for myself, and one of them went along the lines of this, "I want to be able to read big books like Eragon."  In 6th grade, I took on that challenge, and ever since, I've been reading fat books like that :)  Well, maybe not that fat, because Eragon is a very fat book, and most of mine are 300-400 pages, where as Eragon is like 5oo or so. 
Sooo, those are my 5 silly book related facts :)  And they most of them somehow managed to turn into paragraphs... Hope you enjoyed them!  And of course I'd love to read yours, so just leave a comment below and I'll go search for it on your blog!

Cleo :)


  1. Hello! I'm returning the hop and follow! I love to read fat books! Great blog!

    Somer @ A Bird's Eye Review

  2. I'm the same way with library books! Thankfully, all the ones I've gotten from the library have been clean. :)~ I don't like dirty feet either!
    Happy Friday!!

  3. I don't like dirty books either! Before I borrow from the library I flip through the book to make sure nothing gross is waiting for me! I'm a new follower. My FF is at Coffee Table Press

  4. Eek, I'm not a fan of dirty books either! And I loove the library too :) i'm just grateful my local lib has a good YA collection! Anyways, I'm your newest follower! Your blog is really cute and i just LOVe your blog name! Haha, one of those "why couldn't i htink of something so awesome" moments :p


  5. As a librarian I'm glad to hear that you are back to using library books. They are really such good! I also try to keep my books clean but some people must be such slobs! ***New Follower

  6. Hopping through. I've always liked the public library better than the school library. Even if I checked out a fun book it still felt like school ;-)
    My Hop

  7. I hate dirty books too! That's why I can't eat messy things while reading, I usually end up getting the book dirty somehow :(

    The book that helped through my fear of humongous books was Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire!

  8. Hi, I'm a new follower. Please stop by my blog and follow me in return. :c)


We love to hear from you guys!! And feel free to ask any questions! ♥