
Thursday, March 10, 2011

Follow Friday!

This week's question:

Just like Ashley said (love it) "Ashley the girl..." who are You the Boy/Girl, instead of You the Blogger?

I'm Cleo the girl :)  Did I do that right? And I guess I have to talk about myself a little bit?  Well, I'm 15, and I'm still in high school.  Yep.  Nothing much going on here :D  But, I have two adorable dogs which I love a lot.  I like animals, too!  Especially dolphins!  Have you seen The Cove recently?  I had to watch it in my Chemistry class... Saddest movie of my life :(  Okay, so maybe there was a lot more going on :)

If you're new to here, go ahead and look around :D  We haven't been that active lately... Blame it on evil homework >:(

Oh!  For a LONG time, I've been wanting to tell you guys this.  I have a goodreads account.  Yeah, I've actually had it for a while, but haven't really been up to adding friends.  But now I totally am!  So, if you want to friend me, click here.  And I hope that that led you there.  If it didn't, then just tell me and I'll try and fix it again :D

Hope you guys have a super duper awesome weekend!

Cleo :)


  1. Hopping through. It's funny how busy you can be when you're 15. I may have to work 8 hours a day but at least I don't have homework.
    My Hop

  2. :-) Great to learn more about you! You made me remember what it is like being 15. Have a great day.

  3. Hello Cleo, it's nice to meet you! Ooh, Chemistry class can be so hard. But it's nice that you got to watch a movie. Haven't read of The Cove, but I might watch it one day.

    I've added you on goodreads and I've become a new follower. Have a great weekend, Cleo! :)

  4. This is maybe the best Follow Friday question I've seen so far. I'm learning so much about so many book bloggers this week!

    (Some surprising things at that!)

    I've got a few surprises in store for you! Follow me back to my blog and learn more about who I am - the man, not the blogger and author.

    Thank God it's Follow Friday!
    Howard Sherman

  5. This is maybe the best Follow Friday question I've seen so far. I'm learning so much about so many book bloggers this week!

    (Some surprising things at that!)

    I've got a few surprises in store for you! Follow me back to my blog and learn more about who I am - the man, not the blogger and author.

    Thank God it's Follow Friday!
    Howard Sherman


We love to hear from you guys!! And feel free to ask any questions! ♥