
Saturday, March 12, 2011

Cover Reveals!

This week, there were some more cover reveals!

Crossed (Matched, #2)

I really love this cover for Crossed by Ally Condie!!!  When I look at this cover, strength and power just sort of radiates from the image in the center of the cover.  I really love the tone of blue that they used, too :)  The first book, Matched, was really good in my opinion, so I definitely can't wait until its release on November 1st, 2011!!!!!

Lola and the Boy Next Door

I haven't read Stephanie Perkins first book, Anna and the French Kiss, yet, but it's definitely on the top of my TBR list!  Lola and the Boy Next Door sounds really cute, and I this cover is really cute, too :)  I love her purple hair!

These are the new covers for Nightshade and Wolfsbane by Andrea Cremer!  Personally,  I liked the previous covers, but these covers are nice, too.  Although, my mom would probably wonder what I'm reading about when she sees the cover for Wolfsbane since she seems a little bit seductive (if that's the right word)...  The Nightshade one is actually pretty cool though since it shows what Calla is.

There were some pretty cool cover reveals this week!  I wonder which covers will be revealed next week :D

Cleo :)

1 comment:

  1. I love the Crossed cover! The colour scheme, the model, the shattered bubble, everything!
    And I haven't read Anna yet but I've heard the best things about it.
    The new Nightshade and Wolfsbane covers are alright, I'm not loving them but I'm not hating them either. I have to admit that I liked the old covers much better though. Nonetheless, I still can't wait to read Wolfsbane!


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