
Monday, August 30, 2010

Review: Betrayals

Title: Betrayals
Author: Lili St. Crow
Date Released: November 17, 2009
Pages: 296 pages
Rating: 4 out of 5

No more little miss nice girl. 
The Real World is a frightening place.  Just ask sixteen-year old orphan Dru Anderson, a tough girl who has taken on her fair share of bad guys.  She's armed, dangerous, and not going down without a fight.  So it's gonna take her a while to figure out who she can trust...

Poor Dru.  Her parents are long gone.  Her best (okay, only) friend Graves has been bitten by a werwulf.  And she just learned that the blood flowing through her veins isn't entirely human.  Now Dru's strange and handsome saviour, Christophe, has her hidden away at a secret Schola for djamphir and wulfen teens.  Trouble is, she's the only girl in the place.  The really bad news?  Dru's killer instinct says that one of her schoolmates wants her dead.

With all eyes on her, discovering a traitor within the Order could mean a lot more than social suicide...

So, as you can see, Margaret reviewed Strange Angels and now I am going to review Betrayals which are both in the same series that revolves around the not so fantastic life of Dru Anderson.

I find the series very fascinating because usually you'd think of a male protagonist being the one hunting down all the things that go bump in the night, but in this one, it's a teenage girl named Dru.  In Betrayals, you see Dru go through her ups and downs and frustrations, while being at the Schola.  You also see Graves change A LOT more (who is a loup-garou, a half human, half werewolf creature).  He kinda turns into this kind of average, goth boy into a more manly... goth...boy.  I really wished that Christophe were in this book more because in both books it doesn't really seem like he's there all the time... especially in this book.  If he's a pretty central character, I think that he should've been in it more. 

I have to admit that while Dru remains at the Schola, it is a bit slow (that's why I rated it 4 out of 5), but it gets better when things start coming together.  The action also starts picking up towards the middle, when Dru finds out more about herself, and others, as well as a fight that begins towards the end (there's always a good fight at the end :) ).  And of course there's the betrayal... which draws you in because you really want to know who the betrayer is. 

I REALLY wished that St. Crow would write like a handbook or something for this series because there are a lot of words, and people, that I don't remember.  I think that that could be helpful for other people who enjoy this series, like Margaret, Baylee and I.

This book wasn't exactly as good as the first book, but you definitely must read it to find out more about Dru and others that she is close too, because this contains a lot of information.  The ending was really good too and leads into Jealousy.  It also kind of makes you want to find out about what will happen to Dru at the Schola Prima. 

Cover Review:
I really love the cover and how it has Dru, Graves and Chrtistophe on it.  Dru looks like she's being cautious while Graves is staring at Christophe, keeping an eye on him.  And Christophe is just staring seriously (and sort of mysteriously) straight ahead.  Anyways... I love it :) 

Be on the lookout for the review of the next book in the series, Jealousy!

Cleo :)

*Description from back of the book

Lili St. Crow's website
Strange Angels website

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