
Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Cover Discovery: Just One Year

Today, I was going through my Facebook newsfeed and spotted this cover that was revealed on USA Today:

Just One Year
Whaat??  You don't even know how excited I am for Just One Year!  
I haven't exactly reviewed Just One Day yet, but I will say that it was a pretty good book.
It had the right setting (what's more romantic than Paris?  It might be a bit overplayed now, but still.)
It had the right mysterious boy (who happened to be Dutch)
And it had a great, bittersweet story.
Oh, it also had some romance, and being a sucker for romance, I really liked it :)

USA Today also posted an excerpt of Just One Year; so, if you're interested in it, then you can read it here.

Look for this cover on shelves in October of this year!

Cleo :)


  1. Woaaa! I am totes diggin' this cover! It's so cyoot and it totally matches the first! And I love the blue-ish font!

    Thanks for sharing!

    1. Same! The kissing might be just a bit much for a cover, but it's still pretty cute :)


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