
Monday, December 31, 2012

Cover Crush (7): Infinite Sky

Cover Crush is a new feature here at Booklopedia to highlight the covers that I'm currently absolutely in love with.  I know that there are multiple memes or features out there that feature covers, but I thought that it would be cool if Booklopedia had their own feature and that it should be about something that I love about books: their covers.

I'm in love with the cover for Infinite Sky by C.J. Flood!

Iris Dancy’s free-spirited mum has left for Tunisia, her dad’s rarely sober and her brother’s determined to fight anyone with a pair of fists.  
When a family of travellers move into the overgrown paddock overnight, her dad looks set to finally lose it. Gypsies are parasites he says, but Iris is intrigued. As her dad plans to evict the travelling family, Iris makes friends with their teenage son. Trick Deran is a bare knuckle boxer who says he’s done with fighting, but is he telling the truth?  
When tools go missing from the shed, the travellers are the first suspects. Iris’s brother, Sam, warns her to stay away from Trick; he’s dangerous, but Iris can no longer blindly follow her brother’s advice. He’s got secrets of his own, and she’s not sure he can be trusted himself.  
Infinite Sky is a family story about betrayal and loyalty, and love.
I think that this is actually the British cover for the book and the U.S. cover hasn't been released yet, or that I know of.  Anyways, this sounds like a great story and has a great cover to go along with it.  I love the blue that the cover designer chose as well as the contrasting white and black that stands out against the background.  I'm also completely in love the two different typography that was chosen.  The cursive  title looks really nice from far away, until you get closer and realize that it's actually barbed-wire, which seems to tie into the story since the book is set on a farm.  I'm also a big fan of just plain sans serif fonts so  I really like the font for the author's name.  I also really like the the birds and the crops because it seems to explain the setting from the beginning.  I hope that the U.S. cover turns out somewhat similar!! 

What do you think of the cover?

Cleo :)

*Description and cover from

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