
Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Review: The Way We Fall

Title: The Way We Fall
Author: Megan Crewe
Release Date: January 24th, 2012
Pages: 309
Rating: 3 out of 5

It starts with an itch you just can't shake. Then comes a fever and a tickle in your throat. A few days later, you'll be blabbing your secrets and chatting with strangers like they’re old friends. Three more, and the paranoid hallucinations kick in.

And then you're dead.

When a deadly virus begins to sweep through sixteen-year-old Kaelyn’s community, the government quarantines her island—no one can leave, and no one can come back. Those still healthy must fight for dwindling supplies, or lose all chance of survival.

As everything familiar comes crashing down, Kaelyn joins forces with a former rival and discovers a new love in the midst of heartbreak. When the virus starts to rob her of friends and family, she clings to the belief that there must be a way to save the people she holds dearest. Because how will she go on if there isn't?

Megan Crewe crafts a powerful and gripping exploration of self-preservation, first love, and hope. Poignant and dizzying, this heart-wrenching story of one girl’s bravery and unbeatable spirit will leave readers fervently awaiting the next book in this standout new series.

Full of intensity with a dark, depressing atmosphere, The Way We Fall was definitely a very captivating novel in terms of concept. It was kind of like a book version of the movie, Contagion, except the virus breaks out on a smaller scale, only within an island off the coast of Canada.

The Way We Fall is written sort of like a letter, from main character Kaelyn to her former best friend, Leo. Although I thought it seemed more like a journal than a letter since she never plans to send the letter off. It's also a lot more personal, so you would kind of forget that Kaelyn was writing to Leo until she becomes nostalgic about the good times they had together, or had a flashback to their last fight.

I really liked the concept because jogging back through my memory, I haven't really read anything like it, although it did remind me a lot of the movie Contagion. Reading about the symptoms and all of the technical things was just really cool to me because I'm really into all of the science-y stuff.

The beginning was pretty slow, and action was pretty minimal. The ending didn't really feel complete or leave me fully satisfied because it felt like a really quick wrap up. I also didn't feel the urgency in the ending like I do with most books with a sequel. It was more of a hopeful ending than a dramatic cliffhanger.

Even though I felt like there wasn't a whole lot of action, the whole novel overall was pretty intense because of the situation that Kaelyn was in. It started off with the symptoms of the virus and deaths of a couple people and eventually quickly progressed to consume almost the whole entire island. People were dying, turning violent, suffering, going crazy... These characteristics of how the islanders reacted all contributed to the dark and depressing atmosphere that Kaelyn wrote about in her account of the outbreak.

Even though I was completely in love with the concept and the plot, I wasn't so in love with the main character, Kaelyn. I felt like she had a flat personality, sort of devoid of emotion and a little monotone. It was her personality to be sort of boring and quiet, but I just felt distant from her.

The Way We Fall was definitely an interesting read. I loved the idea and the intensity of the novel, but I wasn't exactly a big fan of Kaelyn or the little bits of action. I think that I might pick up the sequel to The Way We Fall because it has piqued my interest and the ending left some questions that need to be answered. I'd also really like to see the direction in which the novel is headed.

Cover Review:
I really like this cover because it's kind of mysterious and gives off this dark vibe, but also has a solid yellow background to really make the photo stand out. The cover kind of reminded me of one of the promotional posters for the I Am Number Four movie, but I really like it and its simplicity.

Cleo :)

*Description and cover from
**Review copy one in a Goodreads First Reads giveaway.

1 comment:

  1. Hmmmmm... It sounds a bit like the premise is better than the book itself huh? It's always a bummer when the main character is hard to like. :/


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