
Friday, March 2, 2012

Cover Release: Reached

I went onto my Goodreads today, and was looking at My Books when I noticed that the cover for the third and final book of the Matched Trilogy was released!!

Oh my goodness! It's gorgeous. All of the covers in the trilogy have been absolutely gorgeous, and I love how they all have the same concept. Reached comes out on November 13th, which happens to be my birthday! It would make my day if I got this on my birthday :D Better go pre-order it!

What do you guys think of the cover?

Cleo :)

*Cover from


  1. Oh my goodness! It looks GORGEOUS! Can't wait!!

    Hafsah @IceyBooks

    1. I definitely can't wait either! It should be a really thrilling conclusion to the series, although I'm kind of sad that it's coming to an end.

  2. This website is a fascinating place of useful information! Will you be mind if I reblog several of your blog entries on my personal blog?


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