
Sunday, October 30, 2011

Starstruck: Maggie Stiefvater Signing!

Yay!!  I was so happy to be able to have gone to see Maggie Stiefvater las Friday!  She was on tour for her latest book, The Scorpio Races, and happened to be in town close by to where a live, at a bookstore called Once Upon a Time.

Here she is signing my gigantic stack of books
It was definitely awesome getting to meet her, even though I was completely shy and barely spoke (my mom pointed that out when we were driving home).  I'm not the most outgoing person when it comes to meeting new people.  I tend to get really shy and smile and laugh a lot (just look at the last picture).  But I'm nice! :D

Me laughing, and looking really strange while Ms. Stiefvater
signs my books.  See, that is me awkwardly laughing...
So, I basically dragged my mother with me to see her.  She found Maggie Stiefvater funny, but read cookbooks the whole entire time because we happened to be standing in a corner with cookbooks.  Note to self: Never stand in acorner with cookbooks ever again when going to a signing with my mom ;)

She was actually here in the LA area last year, but I couldn't go because I somehow magically ended up at Baylee's house, even though we planned on going to her event.  I was pretty bummed, but I'm glad that I got to see her this year because instead of just getting Shiver and Linger signed, I also got Forever and The Scorpio Races signed!  Yeah! 

This event definitely made my day.  I was ecstatic that I finally got to meet her!  My mom probably thought that I was the biggest dork alive that day... :D

Cleo :)

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