
Monday, October 31, 2011

Cover Crazy (30): Anna Dressed in Blood & Girl of Nightmares

Cover Crazy is a weekly meme that was created by Tawni over at The Book Worms to show which cover(s) you are absolutely going crazy over!

Today, I'm going to do something spooky (since it is Halloween) and go with Anna Dressed in Blood and Girl of Nightmares by Kendare Blake!

Here's why:
  • In Anna Dressed in Blood, I love the little dashes of red on the cover, while on Girl of Nightmares, it's completely covered in red.  I like the contrast between the two.
  • HER WAVY HAIR!  In both of the covers her hair looks all flowy and nice.  I wish I had her hair.
  • In the Girl of Nightmares cover, you can see little lava people reaching out, which is totally creepy.
  • Although it's not exactly drenched in blood as I would have imagined it to be, I love her dress in both of the covers! 
  • They are both completely creepy!  In the first one, there's the fog with the creepy house.  And then in the second one, it looks like she's going somewhere down under, since it's all red and scary looking.  Great covers though!
I haven't read these books... But I totally want to!

What covers are you guys going crazy over today?

Cleo :)

*Covers from


  1. This cover is awesome, I used it for my CC a while back. Fortunately, the story inside doesn't disappoint either! Great choice for this week's CC.

  2. I love both covers, but I have to say I like the second better. It really sucks me in.
    Here is my CC:
    Happy Reading :D

  3. I like the first cover. It was that and the title that made me decide to buy the book. I just started reading it today and am almost done because it's that intriguing.

  4. I <3 the cover of Anna dressed in blood and I'm reading it right now, I don't know how old it's meant to be for but I'm 12, and I love it but I wouldn't really recommend it to any of my friends coz there all bait wimpy lol, but I would recommend to some of. My other friends who love this stuff like me lol. I drew a picture of the Anna dressed in blood and I'm just about to draw a picture of Girl of nightmares, lol


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