
Monday, August 22, 2011

Cover Crazy (25)

Cover Crazy is a weekly meme that was created by Tawni over at The Book Worms to show which cover(s) you are absolutely going crazy over!

So, this week I think I'm going crazy over the cover for The Probability of Miracles by Wendy Wunder!

Here's why I love it:
  • I really love the solid pink background!  It really pops out and highlights the image that was layered underneath (How do you actually describe that technique?).
  • I also really like how they have the image below the pink layer.  I don't know why but I always find that very cool :D
  • This book kind of seems like it's about having hope and the cover just kind of screams that with the peaceful looking model and the sky in the background. 
What are you guys going crazy over this week?

Cleo :)


  1. This cover is really neat! I like the feather cutout that gives us a glimpse of what lays beneath the pink and the way it carries over to the title.

    My Cover Crazy

  2. This cover is awesome!

    Check out Em's WoW!
    Also check out the GREAT GIVEAWAYS we have going on right now.


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