
Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Mini Reviews Galore Part Two

This is Part Two of my mini reviews (because I've been sort of slacking on writing reviews for some really good books).  If you want to see Part One, click here

Part Two is going to consist of reviews for The Summoning by Kelley Armstrong, The Anatomy of Wings by Karen Foxlee, and Infinite Days by Rebecca Maizel :D 
Title: The Summoning
Author: Kelley Armstrong
Date Released: July 1st, 2008
Pages: 390
Rating: 4 out of 5

I didn't absolutely love this book, I only liked it.  It was really interesting, but I don't think it really got anywhere... and it was sort of predictable.  Although, the ending was pretty intense.  I guess it was somewhat original, with the whole "mental" house thing, even though the kids were supernaturals.  I just didn't feel satisfied in the end.  You didn't really get to learn that much about the house either, and what they were planning to do.  It leaves on a cliffhanger so I think that I might read the 2nd book since I have it right now, but I'm not so sure.  It just didn't leave me with the whole "wow" factor that most books have.  However, it was really cool how Chloe was like a necromancer (if that's how you spell it).  I always enjoy reading books about people with awesome abilities :D :D Derek was really cool, too, even though he was described as having lots of zits... Anyways, this was a pretty good book.  Maybe it was lacking some action in between??  It was pretty intriguing anyways :)

Title: The Anatomy of Wings
Author: Karen Foxlee
Date Released: February 10th, 2007
Pages: 368
Rating: 3 out of 5

I just randomly picked this book out of the shelf one day when I was at Borders.  I was looking for a third book, and it had a pretty cover and sounded intriguing, so I thought, why not?  This was actually an okay book.  The whole concept was interesting, I guess, but it was sort of hard to read at the same time.  Basically, The Anatomy of Wings is about a young Australian girl trying to understand why her 13 year-old sister died.  13.  That's pretty young to want to commit suicide.  And you should've read the things this 13 year-old was doing.  At times, I also found it confusing as to how the little random stories of Jennifer's neighbors fit into this book.  Sometimes, I also couldn't see how the items of Beth really related to her death as Jennifer told the stories.  But, I think that the way that Karen Foxlee wrote was really nice. 

Title: Infinite Days
Author: Rebecca Maizel
Date Released: August 3rd, 2010
Pages: 310
Rating: 4 out of 5

I really liked this book!  Rebecca Maizel's vampires were really cool!  And Lenah was definitely an awesome vampire.  It was also really cool how she was like the head of her own coven.  Go girl power!  All the characters were cool (I loved Tony :D ), but her relationship with Justin seemed sort of weird to me since she was obviously in love with Rhode, up until he sort of seemed to die.  And then she started developing feelings for Justin.  So then Justin started falling for her, too, so he dumped his girlfriend.  I really don't like it when characters do that, but I guess it was really sweet how they loved each other.  In a way, Lenah could be funny because she has no idea of what's going on in the 21st century since she's still stuck in the 20th (she's been asleep for 100 years).  So, when she got her car and didn't know how to drive it... Yep, that was pretty spectacular :D  I also didn't like how Rhode was killed so early into the book!  The author still tried to make is presence still be felt in the book, but he actually wasn't physically there.  Overall, this was a pretty good and captivating book :D  It totally ends on a killer cliffhanger though, so, I'm definitely getting Stolen Nights, the second book in the series!

Sooo, that wraps up all my mini reviews!  Hopefully I'm a little caught up by now ^^

Cleo :)

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