
Friday, February 4, 2011

Follow Friday (22)

This week's question:
What is the book you are currently 'pushing'? (Pushing mean trying to get people to read it)

Um, I don't really know.  I don't really "push" my friends into reading a book.  Actually, I've told Baylee to some books like The Iron King and Gone a couple times because those are among some of the books that I absolutely love.  But that's really it :)

Sorry for totally being a slacker on posts and reviews :(  This week I got a lot of homework and stuff and couldn't really find the time to squeeze in some reviews :/ I apologize!  But I'll totally try my hardest to get some posts in this weekend!

Hope you guys have a great weekend!

Cleo :)


  1. That's the same way I feel too! I don't try to push people into reading books but if I have a good one I'll tell them about it.

    Chelsea @ Rand0m Girl

  2. I loved Iron King! But yeah, I don't really push, either.


We love to hear from you guys!! And feel free to ask any questions! ♥