
Sunday, January 9, 2011

Review: Hush, Hush

Title: Hush, Hush
Author: Becca Fitzpatrick
Date Released: October 13th, 2009
Pages: 391
Rating: 4 out of 5

For Nora Grey, romance was not part of the plan. She's never been particularly attracted to the boys at her school, no matter how much her best friend, Vee, pushes them at her. Not until Patch came along. With his easy smile and eyes that seem to see inside her, Nora is drawn to him against her better judgment.

But after a series of terrifying encounters, Nora's not sure who to trust. Patch seems to be everywhere she is, and to know more about her than her closest friends. She can't decide whether she should fall into his arms or run and hide. And when she tries to seek some answers, she finds herself near a truth that is way more unsettling than anything Patch makes her feel.

For Nora is right in the middle of an ancient battle between the immortal and those that have fallen - and, when it comes to choosing sides, the wrong choice will cost her life.
Hush, Hush was pretty awesome!  I really liked the whole idea of angels in this book and thought it was some what different from other books on angels that I have read... or the only ones which are Fallen and Torment by Lauren Kate.  I saw some similarities like there's the fallen angel and the whole forbidden romance thing, but it has some differences in the- would you call it mythology?- of fallen angels, like the complexity of the human vessel, and the Jewish holiday Cheshvan (Thank you Baylee for letting me know as I completely forgot!)  But, basically, some things in Hush, Hush were pretty original from other books about fallen angels that I've read. 

Despite the fact that I thought that Hush, Hush, I gave it 4 stars because to me, the ending was sort of rushed and weird.  It just didn't really seem to satisfy me, if you know what I mean.  I also didn't like how there were like multiple people that they suspected to be the stalker.  Like one moment it would be this dude, then they'd change their mind and it'd be that person.  But then, no!  Wait!  It's this person now!  But I guess if you think on the bright side, it really kept you on your toes :)

I actually did not like Nora that much, but I did like Vee, until she started hanging out with Elliot and Jules a lot more.  Vee kind of seemed like the best friend that anyone could probably want because she was pretty funny, plus she and Nora seemed like that had tons of fun together.  Now back to Nora... There were something's that I just didn't really like about her.  I found her maybe a little annoying because she was suspicious of basically every single new person that she had an encounter with.  She's also pretty vulnerable, as Patch says ac couple times.  Other than that, I guess she was pretty courageous because she does have to live in a big house by herself in basically the middle of nowhere... If I were her, I'd personally just freak out.  Patch was pretty cool.  He came of  kind of scary at first and had this whole bad boy image going on, but then you come to eventually realize that he cares about Nora.

Another good thing about this book that really kept me glued to it were the many plot twists.  Even though there were all those suspects of who the stalkers were, there were other really interesting plot twists that really kept the book moving.  The beginning wasn't that bad either because you know how sometimes the beginning of a new series could be kind of boring and slow?  This one gets right into action with a really intriguing prologue and the appearance of the mysterious Patch in the very first chapter. 

It's a pretty good, suspenseful read with a different view of fallen angels that was pretty cool!  Hopefully, when I get to read the second book, Nora will be stronger and not as vulnerable.  I think that I'll have to get Crescendo now... And probably end up waiting for the third and last book of this series, Tempest, as well :D 

Cover Review:
Oh my goodness!!  This cover is very awesome!!!  I just LOVE how Patch is falling, because he is a fallen angel.  It's also really cool how it's in black and white but at the top, it's tinted red.  It's a very dark cover, and sort of fits the whole books setting.  It also screams "FALLEN ANGEL!!!"  So don't expect it to be about... mermaids... Hahahaha!

Cleo :)

*Description from
**Review copy purchased.


  1. I loved the book also. It's funny cause I've read some reviews and watched some youtube videos of the author saying how publishers and stuff turned the book down because of Vee, but I loved her she was one of my fave characters, and she still is my fave in crescendo which i'm reading and about to finish now.

  2. Great review, Cleo! Can't wait to read this one for myself. I wonder if I'll like Nora or if I'll have the same problems with her that you did.

  3. I cant wait to read this book! I was afraid it would be too similar to Fallen but I'm glad to see you didn't think so.

    btw, I'm a new follower :)


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