
Saturday, November 6, 2010

Review: Misguided Angel

Title: Misguided Angel
Author: Melissa de la Cruz
Date Released: October 26th, 2010
Pages: 256
Rating: 4 out of 5

Back in New York, Mimi has been elected Regent of a crumbling coven. Struggling with her heartache over the loss of Kingsley and with her overwhelming desire to destroy Jack, she must focus all of her energy on a perilous new threat. Vampires are being abducted and their captors are planning to burn them alive online…for all the world to see. Help arrives in the form of Deming Chen, a Venator from Shanghai, who must untangle the web of deceptions before the killers strike again.

As the young vampires struggle for the survival of the coven, they uncover a deadly secret, a truth first discovered by Schuyler’s mother during the Renaissance but kept buried for centuries. And as the Blue Blood enclave weakens yet further, fate leads Schuyler to a terrible choice that will ultimately map the destiny of her heart.

A follow up to the first four books in the series, Misguided Angel is VERY short compared to, for example, The Van Alen Legacy.  But, it is pretty good.  This one goes more in depth into what is happening considering the Silver Bloods (really evil sort of vampires, just in case you didn't know) and what Schuyler is up to with both finding the gates and Jack. 

This time, it was split into four parts, rather than each chapter just switching off between several characters.  The first part was from Schuyler, second from Mimi and third part was from a relatively new character named Deming (if this name rings a bell, she had a really short cameo in Masquerade).  The fourth part switched off between the three characters, but only for three chapters (so basically one chapter for each character).  I found Deming's part to be the most intriguing part, probably because she's a new character, but also because de la Cruz just somehow managed to make this part a lot more interesting than Mimi's and Schuyler's parts.  I think it's because she actually had the job of discovering who was the one that was murdering the Blue Bloods.

Honestly, the first two parts were kind of boring.  And where did Bliss go?  It's like she just disappeared into thin air...  Maybe de la Cruz is saving her for her spin off series... but still, Bliss was a pretty big character and I wanted to know more about what her job was in this book.  I didn't like how all the characters had their own parts.  Especially when it came to Schuyler because I wanted to see more of Schuyler trying to find all of the gates.  I think that it would've been better if they switched off in every chapter, rather than by parts. 

The plot thickens in this book though!!  So, that's a plus :)  The ending was really good, too.  No, it was shocking!  Or the Schuyler part was, at least. 

Overall, this book wasn't exactly fulfilling.  I mean, it was pretty short... Like waaaay too short!  Also, Schuyler and Mimi's parts were just a tad bit boring.  Everything else was great though :D I still want more even if this book wasn't as great as I had expected it to be... But I don't think that I'll ever stop reading this series until it's done.  Now, I'll just be waiting until the next book comes out, which will be around this time next year... -.- (<--- the slightly annoyed look)  But I guess I can wait :D

Cover Review:
This is an awesome cover!!! I love the girl with the angel wings on the front.  I don't exactly know what city is silhouetted on the cover this time... But it's very pretty :)

Cleo :)

*Description from
**Review copy purchased.


  1. I totally agree with everything you said! Even the rating! I didn't like the characters split into parts--I was too used to switching my mind from character to character. I found myself like, "Okay, Schuyler, I've seen you for three chapters in a row...what about other people?"
    And I'm so glad I'm not the only one who's clueless about Bliss! I thought maybe i missed something in Van Alen Legacy, which is very possible since it was forever ago when I read that. Hmm =/ Maybe your spinoff theory is right. Oh well.
    Great review :)

  2. I'm reading this book right now I'm half way through it and i was wondering the same thing about bliss. I liked her character. Your right it's slow and to me actually kinda boring so hopefully I'll like it better when I get to the other character. I'm trying to finish quick because my sis in law wants to borrow it. I have her hooked on the series too.


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