
Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!!!


Doesn't that just make your
mouth water???

I'm personally excited today because of the turkey, awesome stuffing that my mom makes, and PIE!  Yes, I  pie.  I think I like pumpkin pie the most, but my mom (the head chef) decided to skip out on that one this year.  Instead we're having a pumpkin roll... But at least there will be some apple pie!

Basically, this year I'm thankful for:
  • My friends and family (as always!),
  • BOOKS!,
  • All the authors that write the fabulous books I read :D, 
  • All the followers who follow this blog,
  • Smiles and laughter :),
  • Shelter and food AND,
  • School (even though you supply me with endless amounts of homework)
What are you guys thankful for?

Have a great Thanksgiving!
Cleo :)


  1. Thankful that I made my famous cheesecake pumpkin pie! Have a great day =)

  2. @Music4Betty: That sounds delicious!!


We love to hear from you guys!! And feel free to ask any questions! ♥