
Friday, October 15, 2010

Follow Friday (9)

Sorry! Today I'm extremely late doing Follow Friday (which is hosted by Parajunkee's View) because I had a lot of stuff to do today and never got a chance to go on till now... BUT! It's Friday!

Today's question is...

What is your reading suggestion this week?

HUNGERGAMESHUNGERGAMESHUNGERGAMES!!!  I would say Mockingjay since I recently read that one, but the first one is The Hunger Games and it was awesome!! If you haven't read it, you should.   Even though you probably have... Because who hasn't yet?  If you've already read The Hunger Games, then I would also suggest the Gone series by Michael Grant.  It's totally awesome like The Hunger Games, but maybe a little more violent... Hahaha I don't know what it is with all these really good somewhat violent books ;)

Cleo :)

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