
Thursday, October 21, 2010

Follow Friday (10)

It's our tenth Follow Friday!!!  Which means that we've been around for 11 weeks or so... And it's been totally fun so far!!! I love giving out my opinion on a book that I just read or read a while ago :D  Follow Friday is hosted by Parajunkee's View.

This week's question is...
What are you currently reading?  Basically, what book is that?

Well, as you can see in the Currently Reading section of the sidebar... I'm reading Torment by Lauren Kate!  I've been waiting to get this book for a while and now I have it!!  I kind of just started and am in the third chapter... And I've heard that it's better than Fallen, so who knows! 

Have a great weekend!!!

Cleo :)


  1. How do you like Torment so far? I'm trying to hold off on buying it until it becomes a paperback--because my copy of Fallen is a paperback. >.< ' However, I just might end up picking up a hardcover copy--it looks so good!

    Also, thank you for stopping by my blog! :D I'm now following you too and can't wait to see what you think of Torment!

    Have a great weekend! <3

  2. I've heard mixed views of Fallen and Torment. Did you like the first? I'll go look through and see if you've reviewed it, because I'm debating whether or not to check out this series.

    I'm a new follower, by the way, stopping by from Follow Friday. It's always nice to find other reviewers.

  3. I've yet to read Fallen and Torment, although one of my good blogging friends swears up and down that I NEED to read the series. xD

    I'm a new follower <3

    Here's what I'm currently reading.

  4. Looking forward to your torment review.

    Just added myself as a follower via the follow friday meme :)

    Heres moi:

  5. Hello!Stopping by through FF
    I'm your newest follower.

    Anna@ Books to Brighten your Mood

    Have a nice weekend!

  6. stopping by from the follow
    I have fallen and torment on my list that I ordered I think. I can't remember I've ordered quite a few books this week, anyways, I'm old follower just thought I'd drop by. have a nice weekend

  7. Old follower just hopping by. Happy Friday!

  8. Hi,
    Happy Friday! I'm stopping by for Follow Friday and the Blog Hop to say hello. I hope you have a fantastically awesome weekend! :)

  9. Hi,

    hopping to your blog through FF..
    I see you're reading Torment, that's awesome! I have that one on my wishlist since reading Fallen, hoping to read it soon.

    Have a great weekend!
    Celine @
    Nyx Book Reviews

  10. Just stopping by on the hop. I'm your newest follower. Happy Friday!

    Carmel @ Rabid Reads


We love to hear from you guys!! And feel free to ask any questions! ♥